
"You're a wizard Harry..."

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know I am about two weeks late on this, but it's not new news that I am a crappy blogger. If you don't like it, well then..don't read my blog. 
Quit simple really. 
Anyway! Halloween was AWESOME!!
(As it always is in good ole Rexy)
Well that's what my friends and I were.
Can I just say, having 8 Harry Potter's walking around town was kind of freaking awesome.
And by kind of, I mean extremely. 

We even carved our own wands. We went the whole nine yards!

Then a couple days before Halloween, my ward had a Halloween party that was Noah's Ark themed.
Also awesome.
Amanda and I were flamingos.
(I freaking LOVE this girl!!!)

Part of the FHE Fam!!

As well as the Straw Maze, the Haunted Mill, and ridiculous dance parties....

All in all, quite a splendid Halloween indeed :)

The Butterfly Circus

This is such a happy movie. I absolutely love it. It is such a good reminder that there are always others that have it harder than us, and we need to remember that. We can always overcome our trials, no matter what they are. It is sometimes really hard to remember how amazing we are, but as long as we surround ourselves with wonderful people who can remind us, we can make it through.


Life is Rosy

Even though almost everyone felt like they needed to ditch me this week, 
it was still a pretty darn good week!

Thanks to the inspiration of my adorable little Kylie girl,
I decided to get a lil' crafty myself!

I made these letters for my bedroom up in Idaho!
(Don't worry guys, I know how to spell my name. I already have an "A" up in Idaho)

I went to a freaking AWESOME concert!!! 
Relient K AND Hellogoodbye
yeah...nough said.

Relient K needs to hurry up and come out with their new album.

 My rain boots came in the mail!! I am so excited to try these puppies out!!

Went on a sister date with Erin!! We went shopping, got dinner at Carrabba's, went and saw Hunger Games, then got Mickey D's cones. 
It was a party.
A party for 2, that is.

Getting mail is pretty much as exciting as Christmas morning to me.
Especially when you get letters from best friends that you already miss like "cray-cray"

And I don't care if It's childish...I love cats. 
They make me happy.
Especially my cats.

Even if Charley does have a gimpy leg and so now he walks like a 3-legged cat.
You guys....
It is seriously the saddest/ funniest thing I've ever seen.



Arizona haboobs are INSANE.

Erin and I saw that ^ as we were leaving the grocery store today.
Pretty freaking intense.
We made it home about two minutes before it hit. 

And when it did it, it looked like this outside. 

Then we enjoyed playing in the rain after it passed :) 

Then as usual for me on rainy days, I tried to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's but sadly could not find it, so I had to use Newsies as a replacement. 
Which really isn't such a bad 2nd place.

Today was a day [not] just like any other.

I absolutely love marvelous days.

And today, was a marvelous day.

Why you ask? Well here is why....

-I saw Batman: The Dark Knight Rises....twice. Yes you guys, it is THAT good!! I was seriously on the edge of my seat the whole time. It is so intense!

And I totally want to be Catwoman now (I know...big shocker there...) cause she freaking KICKS BUTT in this movie and gets to wear a freaking legit cat suit!
And what girl hasn't totally been in love with Christian Bale since Newsies??
-Went to this new yogurt place at Santan with Erin and my cousin Resha called Yogurtopia.
And they had boba?! Added bonus

-Learned this awesome new braid, and even successfully did it in my hair.

-Wore red pants today. And I mean really, who can have a bad day wearing sassy red pants?? Who?

-Got to see this gorgeous view on my way out to Mesa as the storm was coming in.
The desert is seriously so beautiful.
I love Arizona.
-Phone calls with friends I miss waaaaaay too much.

-And most exciting news of the day.......STEPH GOT HER MISSION CALL!!!
She is going to be serving in Ukraine for the next 18 months!!
I am beyond excited for her, but am going to miss her so dang much!! But I know that she is going to be such an amazing missionary!!


Thank you Oscar


I am so ready to go back to school.............
but alas, that is two months away. 
So for now I will just have to enjoy this funny potato.

Happy List I

I've decided to start a new thing on my blog. A couple weeks ago I was super down in the dumps and it just seemed like every day was a bad one. So then I decided to focus on things that made me happy the next week. It helped! I was happier and more positive and had the skip in my walk back! So is the beginning of many to come.....

My Happy List!

-spending time with both of my sisters
-celebrating my favorite holiday, Independence Day, in California
-my favorite song of all time coming on the radio right when I get in my truck
-Good Morning texts
-Crazy adventures with my even crazier friends
-midnight talks with one of my best friends right when I needed her
-skype dates
-Mission farewells
-fireworks and sparklers
-finally being able to cook dinner again
-meeting new friends
-early morning runs
-learning new songs on my guitar
-learning how to play the ukulele
-crazy dancing with my family while we are supposed to be cleaning
-daddy-daughter dates
-Compliments from strangers
-Happy songs like this & this 

Lesson Learned

This might be a little late, but it has been on my mind a lot recently. I finished my first year of college a few months ago and for some reason have been reflecting on it a lot in the past week. I had some crazy times, meet some awesome new people, and learned a lot of lessons along the way. It is true that some lessons you just have to learn the hard way. 

Here are just a few:

1. Happiness is a choice.
2. Never let your happiness depend on anyone else but yourself
3. There's no growth in the comfort zone, and no comfort in the growth zone.
4. Don't let yourself fall in love too easily.
5. All frustration is based on expectation.
6. It is always good to have a plan, but keep in mind that things will never go according to plan.
7. Don't do anything when you are mad. Sleep on it first, then decide what to do
8. Don't be afraid of confrontation 


California, here we came.

I am almost certain that I can't even begin to describe how freaking amazing my friends are, but let me just say.....they're pretty freaking rad. 

Our California trip this year consisted of:
  • swimming in one of the coolest pools ever constructed
  • long, late night talks
  • lots and lots of laughing
  • hours at the beach
  • lots of sunburns
  • cuddling
  • too many new inside jokes
  • yachting on the ocean
  • seeing dolphins
  • lots of nap times
  • and lots and lots of happiness
Still floating on Cloud 9 from this trip, and honestly, I don't plan on getting off anytime soon. 


My Happy List

A couple years ago I started keeping a "Happy List" in my phone of random day-to-day things that put a smile on my face. I figured I would share it with all of you.

1. Martinelli's apple juice bottles
2. Valentines Day
3. Elephant Love Medley
4. Breakfast at Tiffany's
5. Good morning texts
6. Winter grass
7. Vintage cars
8. Billy Joel songs
9. Adventures
10. Backward hugs
11. Surprises
12. Baby anything
13. Reminiscing
14. Cute old men
15. Best friends
16. Hugs that pick me up off the ground
17. Perfect weather
18. Cuddling
19. Hazelnut hot chocolate
20. Rain
21. Big cities
22. Awesome high-fives
23. Chivalrous men
24. Disney movies
25. Random compliments

Of course there are many more than just these, but we would be here for the next few months if I were to list everything that makes me happy.

Kid at heart.

No matter how old I get, I still get giddy walking down Main Street of Disneyland. It truly is the happiest place on earth! (well.....it's up there at least) My family was able to go with my dad's company "employee appreciation trip" and they did the V.I.P. Tour which meant that we got to have two tour guides take us around Disneyland and take us to the front of all the lines. Let me tell ya, that is the way to do Disneyland! 

Oh and did I mention how extremely happy I was that Colin came too?! Yeah.....pretty freaking happy. P)

We're adorable....so we've been told...

Went to lunch at Club 33!

We also went to the San Diego Zoo and did the Backstage pass there (highly recommend that...got to see animals up close, pet a zebra, a rhino, and some animal that looked like a mix between a raccoon and a bear..., and fed a rhino!) And I also got to spend Monday night with Colin watching the sunset on the beach (adorable?? you bet), getting frozen yogurt, seeing the city lights from on top of the hill, and watching Oceans 12. All in all, I must say it was a most spectacular weekend :)



I wasn't the biggest Coldplay fan ever, but after going to their concert....how could I not be???


At the beginning of the summer I had the chance to go to Europe with Stephanie and a couple of her friends......BEST VACATION EVER!!! It was so much fun trekkin around Europe with my sister and creating so many fun, new memories with her. I met them in Brussels, Belgium and we were there for a few days, then went to Paris for the rest of our trip. Here's a little taste of what we did: (I wish I could give you all an actual taste...because the food there was beyond delectable!!)