
The LoMia Saga

No we are not twilight fanatics.... we just think we're hilarious.
So up at Girl's Camp for some reason they had this poster up:
Then on the last day we were super bored and thought it would be hilarious to duplicate it....so we did :
My photoshop skills came in quite nicely for this =)


Dark Clouds & Silver Linings

Dark Clouds: school starts in exactly 8 hours 20 minutes. ugh!!!! I am officially a senior. Excited? yes! dreading it? Yes! I am not looking forward to 3 AP classes this year....not at all. And i am like a 1/3 of the way through my summer reading since i found out I had that class like.....4 days ago. Yeah...I'm screwed. Silver Linings: My sister is going to be a freshman tomorrow!! SOOOOOO WEIRD!!! But, as we were saying family prayers tonight.....my dad said, "Well Erin, it's your last night of innocence so you had probably better say the prayer." hahaha so funny.....and sadly somewhat true. (p.s. to dark cloud....RIDICULOUS ANNOYING PEOPLE AT HIGH SCHOOL!!!) The last of my silver linings; this was the highlight of my day. So long to hot summer nights and hotter summer days, and hello to my new life living at the library. (yes Steph I stole the title from your old blog =) )