
Good News!!

Guess What!! I have figured out what I want to do with my life!! (For now...)

Right now, my plans are to stay in Idaho two more years to get my associate's degree in Architectural Design. Then go to BYU Provo to get my BFA in Industrial Design. I am so excited about this! It is something I am really interested in, yet still challenges me.

In other good news....I get to go home to my beautiful Arizona in 17 DAYS!!!!!! I'm just a wee bit excited :)


A wee bit indecisive....

These are all the major's I've considered in the past week:
1. Animal Health and Veterinary Sciences
2. Nutritional Sciences
3. Health Sciences
4. Interior Design
5. Secondary Education
6. Architecture & Design
Now you see my problem.....

One year older, and.....wiser too?

In two days I turn 19......and honestly, I'm pretty sure this is the first birthday that I'm not exactly excited for, I mean yeah birthdays exciting but I've never thought "Oh boy! I can't wait to turn 19!" I mean turning 19 is not really all that exciting for girls. Anyways, looking back over the past year has been pretty fun, depressing, and interesting for me the past couple days. So much happened, I learned so much, and have changed (a little :) ). I only hope that this next year in my life is even more exciting and adventurous and happy. Well, here's to a another year older and wiser too!!!


School is hard

I am only a week into this semester and it is already killing me!! Why can't somebody just decide all these super hard decisions for me?? That would be greatly appreciated.