
"You're a wizard Harry..."

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know I am about two weeks late on this, but it's not new news that I am a crappy blogger. If you don't like it, well then..don't read my blog. 
Quit simple really. 
Anyway! Halloween was AWESOME!!
(As it always is in good ole Rexy)
Well that's what my friends and I were.
Can I just say, having 8 Harry Potter's walking around town was kind of freaking awesome.
And by kind of, I mean extremely. 

We even carved our own wands. We went the whole nine yards!

Then a couple days before Halloween, my ward had a Halloween party that was Noah's Ark themed.
Also awesome.
Amanda and I were flamingos.
(I freaking LOVE this girl!!!)

Part of the FHE Fam!!

As well as the Straw Maze, the Haunted Mill, and ridiculous dance parties....

All in all, quite a splendid Halloween indeed :)

The Butterfly Circus

This is such a happy movie. I absolutely love it. It is such a good reminder that there are always others that have it harder than us, and we need to remember that. We can always overcome our trials, no matter what they are. It is sometimes really hard to remember how amazing we are, but as long as we surround ourselves with wonderful people who can remind us, we can make it through.